Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

top 10 movies that should never get remakes

10. Titanic

Titanic - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Titanic - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Titanic is a blockbuster film released in 1997. It was directed by James Cameron. The story of titanic was based on the journey of the actual life sized ship named titanic along with its destruction. The movie seemed too real that many people became emotional during and after the movie. The story was full of romance and thriller. In distant future someone might try to remake the Titanic but will definitely fail because it had the story that made it “not remake-able” officially.

9. The Prestige

The Prestige - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Prestige is a 2006 drama, mystery and thriller movie directed by Christopher Nolan. The story is set in the end of 19th century revealing the rivalry between two magicians. The cast chosen by Nolan was nothing less than perfect, Bale, Jackman and Caine. What can go wrong? The screenplay mind f**ks every single viewer up till the very last minute of the movie. The viewer cannot get bored because the mystery is so damn well good that the curiosity gets the best of everyone. The remake of any Nolan movie is seriously the dumbest thing to do, but especially no remake can be done of this movie because every single thing is beyond awesome in this movie.

8. American History X

American History X - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
American History X - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
American History X was released in 1998. It was directed by Tony Kaye. It is the best movie against racism up to date. The story was so deep that it might have affected some people to stop being racist and start loving the creatures of GOD. Edward Norton had played his role wonderfully, which was him acting as a crazy racist person who used to blame everything on the African American people, but in time he learned his lesson. The screenplay was so marvelously that remaking it wouldn’t even cross people’s minds. Although there have been many movies against racism but no movie, I repeat no movie is even close to being as good as this one.

7. Fight Club

Fight Club - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Fight Club - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Fight Club was a 1999 Drama and somewhat Action movie. It was directed by David Fincher. Fight Club has a mind f**k story involving 2 characters played by two of Hollywood’s most famous actors; Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. The screenplay was awesome, the acting was great and the last 15 minutes of the movie paralyzed every single person watching it. The Fight Club can’t be remade because there is nothing to be improved. Not even a single Goddamn thing. Even if there is someone foolish enough to remake it, he would have to go through a lot of people (fans) to do so because people do respect the Classics.

6. Gladiator

Gladiator - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Gladiator - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Gladiator is a 2000 action packed movie directed by Ridley Scott. It contains ancient roman story about a man, who was betrayed by his own corrupt people. It is filled with action even till the last minute of the movie. Anyone who has any interest in movies might have seen this awesome movie and would have loved it immediately after watching it. The legendary actor Russell Crowe has starred as the main character in this movie. The story was so brilliant that even after including more action or whatever won’t win people’s hearts because they already belong to the GLADIATOR.

5. Back to the future

Back to the future - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Back to the future - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Back to the future is a 1985 comedy movie which was a blockbuster at its time. It was directed by Robert Zemeckis. This movie was the first in which time travel was introduced, I think. The story in this movie has continuity which is distributed into 3 parts. The screenplay of all 3 parts was written so wonderfully that no glitch can be found in any 3 linked parts. This movie can never be remade because it is a classic and the attempt of remaking it would not only be stupid but will also get a lot of hatred from the fans of the real Back to the future.

4. The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Lord of the Rings - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Lord of the Rings is an action, adventure and thriller movie based on the novel with the same name. Director Peter Jackson has briefly explained each and everything written in the novel and I might say even with more brilliance because of the super awesome and realistic action and not missing a single thing from the original story. The Director divided the novel into 3 movie parts and all of them are really brilliant in every aspect. The cast was chosen wisely and the camera and animation was superb. The idea of remaking this one is totally out of the question because the brilliant things can’t be copied exactly as it was made.

3. Inception

Inception - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Inception - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
Inception is a 2010 super hit movie directed by Christopher Nolan. The story of inception is totally unique and seems out of nowhere. Nolan chose the cast wisely, mixed 2010 technology with super awesome story making it one of the EPIC movies of all time. Now the thing about making Inception again is out of question or is impossible to do so. The idea is so unique that it is the first to occupy the specific idea of dreams.

2. The Departed

The Departed - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Departed - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Departed is a 2006 crime thriller movie directed by Martin Scorsese. I admit that The Departed is a remake of a 2002 Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs but, the English version is far much better because: The first thing is the cast, DiCaprio, Damon, Wahlberg and Nicholson. Do I need to say more? Secondly they have put a whole new level of thriller in it and have made it exciting till the last second of the movie. It’s a see before you die kind of a movie. Remaking it would be a real foolish thing to do because there is nothing; I repeat nothing to be improved. Not even the action.

1. The Matrix

The Matrix - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Matrix - Top 10 movies that should never get remakes
The Matrix is the super awesome and one of Legen-wait for it-dary movies of all time. It was released in 1999 and was directed by Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski. The story has the continuity which is divided into 3 parts. The Matrix revolves around a fictional universe in which humans have become slaves of machines without realizing it. The story takes many different turns and is filled with awesome actions. Many scenes of The Matrix have been copied in many different movies, songs and other videos. Especially the infamous bullet dodge scene. The movie was epic, the cast was awesome and the story was full of epicness. This movie can never be remade, even if the producers get their hands on extreme technologies because there is no match of originality.

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