• Praesent sapien velit

    Maecenas imperdiet, ligula et mattis feugiat, elit felis fringilla purus, eu pretium quam justo ac orci. Nunc congue, enim sit amet dignissim malesuada, metus purus aliquet nibh, non euismod urna urna ac libero. Aenean congue enim fringilla elit vulputate ut ornare massa aliquam. Mauris pellentesque odio et justo vehicula ullamcorper. Aliquam laoreet placerat massa vel [...]

  • Aenean velit risus, venenatis sed pellentesque ege

    Ut sit amet odio erat, ut rhoncus libero. Maecenas vestibulum dui et urna fringilla pulvinar at ornare nibh. Nam et scelerisque lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam quis neque et elit congue luctus. Sed ultrices tellus at dui pellentesque vulputate? Phasellus molestie tincidunt convallis. Nullam turpis [...]

  • Suspendisse pellentesque, enim id consequat luctus

    Donec a imperdiet metus. Nunc id consectetur velit. Vestibulum et urna neque, eget tempus libero. Suspendisse ac neque eu nisi viverra blandit? Sed in urna at purus cursus adipiscing. Maecenas ac nibh odio, quis dictum dolor. Maecenas id velit eu velit tempor dapibus sed non tellus. Nulla quis nisi a turpis auctor volutpat. In mollis [...]

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Lady Thor Cosplay

can't wait for the movie 

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Sexy Gantz Photo Shoot

gantz rymes with no pants : )

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Psylocke (X-Men) Cosplay

 Psylocke (Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock) is a fictional character depicted in comic books published by Marvel Comics, most notably those comics featuring the superhero team the X-Men.

The character has also appeared in licensed adaptations. Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Herb Trimpe, she first appeared in the UK comic book Captain Britain #8 (Dec. 1976), by the Marvel imprint Marvel UK. She was initially a supporting character in the adventures of her fraternal twin brother, Captain Britain, briefly substituting for him in the role.

Later, she became the mutant superheroine Psylocke. Originally presented as a precognitive in the pages of Captain Britain and then as a telepath, the character was eventually written as unexplainedly acquiring the telekinesis of Jean Grey. Psylocke later possesses both telepathy and telekinesis.

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Saeko Busujima (High School of The Dead) Cosplay

Saeko Busujima (毒島冴子, Busujima Saeko) is a student at Fujimi High School and a member of the survivor group led by Takashi Komuro and is the daughter of Master Busujima. Back in Fujimi High School, she was in the Third year and was also captain of the Kendo Club.
In the group, Saeko is considered the most reliable of all fighters, and everyone can count on her combat skills to pull them through a tough spot if need be. Like Rei, Saeko is an athletic fighter and talented combat specialist whose forte is in melee attacks. She is one of the reasons why the protagonists have managed to survive as far as they have. At the beginning of the series, she uses a bokken (wooden sword) that she used to fight "Them" with, but she was later given a sword by Souichiro Takagi to fight "Them".

Vampirella Cosplay

Vampirella is a fictional character, a comic book vampire superheroine created by Forrest J Ackerman and costume designer Trina Robbins in Warren Publishing's black-and-white horror comics magazine Vampirella #1 (Sept. 1969).
The heroine is a vampire, since she is the daughter of Lilith and needs blood to survive and has many of the typical vampiric powers, including superhuman strength and reflexes, shapeshifting into a bat, immortality, and a mesmeric stare. She is not prone to the group's traditional weaknesses, such as daylight, holy water, garlic, or crosses. She does not attack people to drink their blood, except occasionally when she herself is attacked. She is almost always scantily clad in her signature red sling suit with a white collar and wearing shiny black knee-high boots. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampirella

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Halibel (Bleach) Cosplay

 Tier Harribel (ティア・ハリベル, Tia Hariberu; Viz: Tier Halibel) is an Arrancar and the former Tres (No. 3) Espada in Sōsuke Aizen's army until his defeat. Sometime after Aizen's defeat she becomes the new ruler of Hueco Mundo.

Harribel has dark skin, green eyes, blonde eyelashes, and messy short blonde hair which has three braided locks. She wears a variation of the Arrancar jacket that covers the lower part of her face downward, while baring a good portion of the lower half of her large breasts. The jacket, unlike that of other Arrancar, has a zipper running along its entire length that is opened from the bottom upwards. The jacket's sleeves completely envelop her arms, terminating in black glove-like extensions at her extremities, resembling the appearance of a cat's paw. Harribel carries her Zanpakutō horizontally across her back (similar to Suì-Fēng). The sword itself is notably broad and short compared to others, completely hollow in the middle, and has a western-style guard. Source:  http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Tier_Harribel